

ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2020

Entry 13th November 2020: Post 1: A500 Spirit - SIN500-2.

A500 Spirit - SIN500-2.

I knew I had to do it sometime and so whilst I had my work on the
roof completed I decided to venture into the vault and try and
find the lost Amiga Format magazine. Took me a while but in the
end I was successful. Not just once but twice with two copies. So
more on that later.

For today I feature the very splendid Spirit Technology SN500-2
which was an internal memory expansion for the A500. This little
baby allowed you to add up to 3MB ( including the A501 ) using
DRAMs or Dynamic Random Access Memory.

The card was gifted to me by a good friend and includes the original
floppy install disk. I added its ADF to the emulator catalogue so
that I could snapshot the contents. Below is a taste.

I do have one other Spirit installed in a machine and that is
inside an Amiga 1000. Wonderful looking bit of kit don't you think.

A500 Spirit - SIN500-2.

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Last updated 13th November 2020

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2020