

ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2020

Entry 17th November 2020: Post 1: A500 - KCS Power PC Board.

A500 - KCS Power PC Board.

Yesterday I featured the ATonce and felt kinda rotten I didn't
try the card. Anyway, today I decided it was time check out
whether the KCS Power PC Board was working. Haven't tried the
board since 2017 so well overdue. The Amiga 500 I used [ No 31 ]
had a note about a dodgy games port so I checked that also.

I have all the boxed information for the KCS plus three fully
sealed units making four I have in total. I also have a whole box
of disks with various upgrades of the software plus technical
discussions and correspondence with the developer.

The card was working without fault and I was able to boot into
DOS without any problem. Well as long as you enter the date the
wrong way round.

I also had a play with Saint Dragon and R-TYPE II and couldn't
find anything wrong with the game port. So all in all a pretty
successful day.

A500 - KCS Power PC Board.

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Last updated 17th November 2020

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