Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga 1200 salvage - Don't LoL at LUX.
Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga 1200 salvage - Out of LUX.
Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga 1200 salvage - LUX like I solved it.
Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga 1200 - Sue is no Frankenstein
Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga 1200 - Risa is so hot ! Or not.
Previously on scuzzblog: A1200 - Lost in the loft.
Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga 1200 - Not quite dead
Previously on scuzzblog: Eyetech EZ-Tower - Down but not out. PT I
Previously on scuzzblog: Eyetech EZ-Tower - Down but not out. PT II
Previously on scuzzblog: Amiga 1200 - Tower Stuff.
ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2023
Entry 17th November 2023: Post 3: A1200 Heaven - The salvage yard.
A1200 Heaven - The salvage yard.
One of my biggest challenges since I started to collect A1200s
has been the repair and upgrading of the machines. Many of the
computers came here broken and I have painstakingly repaired all
but two of them.
My efforts to salvage and repair machines has resulted in a large
collection of spare parts for the computer and so I am never short
of the odd bit of kit. I still have a number of motherboards that
I replaced which I am sure with a little work could be brought
back into service.
Some of the computers were hacked into towers and suffer with
modifications that only work with the tower add-ons such as the
EyeTech keyboard connector. These work fine in a tower but not
so as a stand alone computer. Tower parts are kept in a separate
box. I did salvage enough parts to repair an EZ Tower which is
classified as a working Amiga 1200. I have another tower waiting
in the wings should I choose to move one of my hacked boards into
the tower form factor.
I do enjoy restoring the older Amiga 1200s and time was I could
pick up cheap worthy subjects off Ebay. Sadly those days have long
since vanished. I guess 31/32 Amiga 1200s is likely to be the
most I will ever own, though I would never refuse a donation. I
mean you really can never have too many Amigas, especially the
Amiga 1200 ... simply the best computer ever made.
A1200 Heaven - The salvage yard.
Lost in the loft
Not quite dead
EyeTech Tower
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Last updated 17th November 2023
Chandraise Kingdom
Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2023