

ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2024

Entry 12th November 2024: Post 1: Amiga Games - Realms and Rules of Engagement.

Amiga Games - Realms and Rules of Engagement.

Kinda getting sidetracked from my major mission to put together a
list of obscure Star Trek games. Today I was drawn toward Realms and
Rules of Engagement, with ROE being the candidate to make it into
the Star Trek Obscure Games Hall of Fame.

I am not going to go into detail here as both these games would
require a quite enormous amount of time to digest and explain.
Suffice to say Realms is a god game that calls upon you to become
master of your world and defeat , conquer and trade with your
opposing factions. The world exists on a floating bit of green
like in Genesia and from there with Civilisation style activity
you make your way through the various kingdoms of the world.

On the other hand Rules of Engagement seems to expand on the PD
game by Tobias Richter where you interact with a Star Trek like
interface to give out commands and react to the various results.
Whilst the interface looks crude, it is way too complex for its
own good.

I just don't have any spare space in my brain for either of these
games and like I say I certainly wouldn't embark on a journey in
either without removing a good deal of valuable time from my life.

I did find the illusive bit of PD data that I wanted regarding
Star Trek from CU Amiga January 1992. If you wish to read more
then just pop over to EAB and the Magazine Rack.

I do have four disks for Rules of Engagement 2 though the first
appears to have been made by MindCraft. No mention on Version 2.

Tomorrow I will show you how to fly a commercial airbus. It's all
go in the land of the Amiga. Or not.

Amiga Games - Realms and Rules of Engagement.

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Last updated 12th November 2024

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