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ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2017

Entry 10th October 2017: Post: 5

Atom that didn't Bomb
20,000 machines , many in kit form made for a very successful
product in truth. Evidently a cut down version of the System 3.
It was released in 1980 and in those days sold for £120 in kit
form and £170 ready assembled. The base machine had 2KB RAM and
8KB of ROM.

The thing that interests me is the BASIC ( Atom BASIC ) which is
slightly more odd than your normal BASIC and does take a while
to get the hang of. The Assembly code can actually be included 
within the BASIC program. Some of the functions can be stripped
right back making the input very fast.

This unit was the property of a very enthusiastic user. The manual
is falling to pieces through use. All the code lines have notes 
where the previous owner corrected I assume mistakes in the written

Included also is a manual on how to assemble an Atom plus a very
detailed schematic. I sense this may have been an assembled unit.

Still works , albeit , the opening logo seems to be faulty. 

Acorn Atom

Acorn Atom

Acorn Atom

Acorn Atom

Acorn Atom

Acorn Atom

Acorn Atom

Acorn Atom - True Colours

Acorn Atom - True Colours

On screen in October 2017

Atomic Paperwork

Atom Schematics

Well thumbed manual

Atomic Theory in Practice

Atomic Theory in Practice

Getting Acquainted With Your Atom

Atom Technical Manual

Kit Description

The Atom Magic Book

The Atom Magic Book

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Last updated 10/10/2017

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