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ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2017

Entry 20th October 2017: Post: 3


Time to catalogue the library me thinks. I was up late last night
turfing out all the books off the top shelves so I can start to
formalise a listing of what I have. This will be no small challenge
as the books are varied and are spread all over the place.

I am truly amazed at how many thick volumes were created for the
Commodore 64 range of machines. You just don't see this level of
publication with any computers these days.

Anyway I have a bench set aside with a very large stash of books
and will commence the listing and no doubt bring to the website
some of the more notable editions.

A very large book this

The Complete Commodore 64

No disputing a very thorough journal

The key to BASIC gaming

Red pages no less

Very informative mags

I have a number of books on the various
programming languages. These books are big
I mean.. very big indeed

I have a number of books on the various
programming languages. These books are big
I mean.. very big indeed


So there is the challenge... To catalogue the books

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Last updated 20/10/2017

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