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ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2017

Entry 30th October 2017: Post: 3

C64 Cartridges - Out of the freezer

The mission for most early computer users was always to save what
you had done. The bigger challenge, or so it seems, was to capture
what others had done. It wasn't just about saving moments in your
game but more getting at the heart of the product program. These
little cartridges were designed to enable the user to trap, store
and transfer the code... for what ever use deemed fit.

C64 Cartridges Unfrozen

KCS Power Cartridge

KCS Power Cartridge

The Expert - Trilogic

The Expert - Trilogic

The Expert - Trilogic

The Expert - Trilogic

The Expert - Trilogic

The Freeze Machine

The Freeze Machine

er.. the 9690

What he said

The FreezeFrame



Game Killer

Game Killer

No idea



Other cartridges had more common usage
Like the Commodore's Financial Advisor

Or say the Music Composer....

Quite a few Commodore products and
software came on the cartridge

And if serious stuff wasn't your bag
then maybe some serious gaming

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Last updated 30/10/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith