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ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2019

Entry 15th October 2019: Post 01: Amiga Format Scene Storm - Awash with CDs Part I.

Amiga Format Scene Storm - Awash with CDs Part I.

Some days I start doing stuff that maybe I should have avoided. it
all started when I found this Amiga CD in with all those PC CDs
that I photographed the other day. The CD was kinda odd cus it was
not a Format monthly CD as in the normal cover CDs. This got me
wondering what it was and so I set too first tracking down the
Amiga Format magazine and then the actual CD for that month.

Like an idiot I decided to drag all my spare Amiga Format and
CU Amiga CDs onto the bench to sort them out. I wouldn't mind but
I have a full set of each in plastic boxes upstairs. I was just
interested to see if there were any more rogue discs lying around.

So after a morning of sorting I piled one set of each magazine's
discs together and as ever got ever so slightly interested in a
few of the titles. This my fiends is a pointless challenge. Cus
what CDs represent is a bottomless pit of files. It is ever and
ever endless and serves only to sink your time into searching.

I mean just look at the CDs on the bench and then open just one.
You will be at it all day. And for what... the CD is like a HD
anyway so its not like you are going to need to transfer anything.

Amiga Format like CU wasa not that clear on how long the CD issues
were going to last so the first few are a little understated. The
CU discs were even titled 0, II and III... like how long was that
going to last. Amiga Format also had the problem of different CD
numbers to magazine and cover floppy numbers. It got very very
confusing. AF goes from No 1 June 1996 to No 52 for AF136. And
CU goes from Mega CD-ROM , no number November 95 to Super CD-ROM
number 27 with Cinema 4D on the disc.

So I then go on the search for a few of the Amiga magazines that
have interesting CDs and so spent the best part of the day on this.
And the only rogue discs that I found was a Pandora's CD, Amiga
Power's Game Massive and Amiga Active number 8. I am pretty sure
there are others but my guess is that they are all with my main
CD collection in the disc room upstairs. Oh yes, I have more of
these annoying things. I scratch my head just pondering over
where they all came from. I know that I never went out my way to
buy the mags with the CDs.

Anyway we now have Scene Storm and so now move to looking at exactly
what it is.

Amiga Format Scene Storm - Awash with CDs Part I.

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Last updated 15th October 2019

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