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ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2019

Entry 21st October 2019: Post 01: MYST - Again.

MYST - Again.

OK I tried again, I really did but sorry this game just doesn't cut
it for me. It was the same with Skyrim. I was told it was a classic
and I just opened my mind to let it wash in and I just got bored.
I guess I kinda dislike 1st person games. I was never into Doom
though I did like Duke Nukem. Odd that. The worst for me was
Robinson's Requiem.

Thing about Myst is that I was already playing action adventure
games on the PS1 and I preferred seeing a character doing stuff.
These games that give the game's main character as you the player are
just odd to me. The game felt more like a slide show of holiday

The game evidently was a best seller in its day on the PC/Mac. It
was only toppled by the Sims game. I recall it being in every mag
and featured heavily when it was ported to the Amiga. However I
did have the game for the PC and just stuck it on a shelf after
becoming bored with it very quickly.

The magazines here feature the game and review the content. The CD
even lets you explore a little though it is quite limiting. The
minute I tried to go down the stairs I was ejected from the game
and offered the purchase details. You can read the Wiki entry below.

MYST Wiki entry

I had been attracted to the game cus Peter Gabriel was involved
in the music track. I couldn't really trudge thro hours of this
game just to sample some of Peter's work. Don't think I have even
tried the proper game since. Though I did try the Amiga demo.

So if you haven't played it then maybe have a blast, it may well
be up your alley. For me I got lost in the fog and couldn't help
wanting to get the PS1 back on and make some noise.. for myself.

Myst is labelled a graphics adventure and was the work of Robyn and
Rand Miller. It was first released in 1993 by Broderbund and
developed by Cyan Inc. Came out originally for the Mac and PC.

MYST - Again.

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Last updated 21st October 2019

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