

ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2020

Entry 18th October 2020: Post 1: CU Amiga for 1992'ish.

CU Amiga for 1992'ish.
Now I have completed my PlusBench I decided to put away all the
disks I have been using. I attempted to only use disks from the
1992 era. Before putting away the CU Amiga disks I thought I
would match them up with the respective magazines and take some
pics of the covers. I understand you can download most of the
disks from the EAB site.

The period chosen was from late 1991 to mid 1993. There was just
the one mag that I couldn't locate.

I did also find The Workbench Management cover which I have the
boxed software for. Never really used it though it kinda chimes
with what I was attempting. Need to look into that.

One other item of note is the RELOKICK1.3 tool which is very
handy if you want to play some of those older games on the newer

I think I am about done for now.

CU Amiga for 1992'ish.

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Last updated 18th October 2020

Chandraise Kingdom

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scuzzscink 2020