ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2021
Entry 21st October 2021: Post 1: Amiga 4000 - Hangs by a thread - SIMM bodge.
Amiga 4000 - Hangs by a thread - SIMM bodge.
This A4000d has a list of problems as long as your arm. So when
I fired up today and she just hung there not booting I was about
ready to throw in the towel. Anyway I opened up and reflected on
the poor state of the computer, what with no serial, parallel,
keyboard, floppy drive and three capacitors busted that sit stuck
to the inside of the case. I then recalled a similar problem with
another 4000 that I have and decided to attack the SIMM slots.
The procedure here is intricate and complicated and requires a
certain amount of expertise.... all of which I don't have. So
instead I bunged a bit of paper and a broken matchstick behind
the first SIMM and she booted just fine. Job done.
Anyhoo I put her back together and tested a few things with the
mouse ( which actually works ) and she was fine for a busted
computer. I do have a spare motherboard which I keep threatening
to install, but when do I ever get the time. It's not like I
ever use the 4000. She is pretty though when she fires up on the
Mitsubishi with the PicassoIV.... Clara Veiga that is.
OK back to Warcraft and Shadowlands. As you do.
PS do not attempt this fix yourself. It really is reserved for
dumb heads like me with no electrical repair skills and a surplus
vault of Amiga machines to dip into. It's all junk don't you know.
Amiga 4000 - Hangs by a thread - SIMM bodge.
Hanging and not hanging.