ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2022
Entry 27th October 2022: Post 1: Amiga 500 - Disc Company Dicovery Pack.
Amiga 500 - Disc Company Dicovery Pack.
One thing that the Amiga will always be remembered for is the
special presentation packs that were produced for the various
models, particularly the cost reduced versions that adorned the
shop windows in the days. Always colourful and exciting to view,
they really did stand out from everything else on sale. Over
the years I have tried to collect as many of the boxed versions
as possible with some success. However the early A500 'starter'
packs have somewhat alluded my grasp.
I was so pleased this last week to snag a near mint copy of the
'Discovery' pack that supported the same name full box version
by the Disc Company. There were at least three boxed starter
sets that contained sets of these and other Disc Company disk
sets. They tend to feature software such as Kindwords and also
had either DPaint or Fusion Paint plus a sprinkling of games.
I have featured in the past Ports of Call which seemed to be
one of their favourite games.
The biggest test for me with the set was whether the disks were
still working. I am pleased to say that they were ADF copied
and tested without fault. So pleased I have to say.
I decided not to take the manual out of the cellophane as it
was still in the original packaging. This particular set appears
to be from around 1990, though others are much earlier, almost
to the very birth of the Amiga 500.
Amiga 500 - Disc Company Dicovery Pack.
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Last updated 27th October 2022
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