ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2022
Entry 29th October 2022: Post 2: PrinzSound - 77 Grand Luxe.
PrinzSound - 77 Grand Luxe.
With retro of this age you tend to acquire what ever you can lay
your hands on. In this case the instructions for the model up
from the one I have. The PrinzSound 77 Grand Luxe varies from the
basic 77 in that it has FM and a rotary tuning control and tone
switch on the front panel. Otherwise the same unit. I do love
the description of ' Luxurious appearance in silver and wood-
grain combination finish '. Interesting that they spelt broadcast
Wood-grain was the hallmark of electrical equipment in the seventies.
Last night I was explaining on an Atari forum how the fake wood
for the 2600 'Woody' was achieved using sticky back plastic veneer,
and the grain would have looked different on each unit. The magic
of wood.. or not.
Good news I have another PrinzSound arriving soon. The key elements
to a PrinzSound making the cut for the collection is that they must
be portable, use batteries and have fake wood veneer.
PrinzSound - 77 Grand Luxe.
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Last updated 29th October 2022
Chandraise Kingdom
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