

ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2024

Entry 13th October 2024: Post 1: Amiga PD game - Roguelike DnD Moria.

Amiga PD game - Roguelike DnD Moria.

I received a request for the disk for Moria and include the link
below. For details on just what Moria is then click the page link
to my earlier blog at the base of the images below.

That said be aware that I was not able to get this running on my
A1200. Only an ECS machine seemed to cut it.

To play the game just click the link on the disk and start by
creating a character.

To install on a hard drive you simply create a suitable drawer
called Moria preferably in a games drawer. Copy the contents of
the disk to that drawer. Create an ASSIGN to that drawer using a
text editor. Fire the game up using the shell.

The game requires you to start or load a character to get it
working. After that you simply are dropped into the game map and
can move your character with the mouse.

More than that you are on your own. Have fun.


Click this link to download the ZIP file and within is the Moria.adf

Note that the game was released on PD disks such as ByteBack plus
Library Disk 194 of the Fred Fish collection. From that I assume
the disk was issued free to players, subject to buying the PD disk.

Amiga PD game - Roguelike DnD Moria.

~ Previously on scuzzblog ~

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October20 2101: scuzzblog: Moria - One of the oldest Roguelike.

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Last updated 13th October 2024

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