

ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2024

Entry 15th October 2024: Post 1: Amiga PSU - Testing an old power supply on an A600.

Amiga PSU - Testing an old power supply on an A600.

Somewhat bewildered for a while now as to why there is a smaller
form factor PSU for either A600 or A1200 sitting out on the side.
Normally working or otherwise PSU units have a label on them when
not in use, this has none. So is it working ?

The correct way to test a PSU these days , I guess, is to use the
correct measuring devices and check voltages and the like. Also
it doesn't hurt to recap them or at least check the status of caps.
A lot of folk on forums point blank refuse to use old PSU units.

Anyhoo, I have a more simplistic method of checking whether a PSU
works or not, I simply plug it into an Amiga.

I dragged an old A600 from the desk behind me in this room and
took the computer to the bench in the workshop. The computer has
in its lifetime had the motherboard swapped out. I also fitted a
RAM expansion card which I purchased back in 1997. The hard drive
is a bit sticky and was backed up some while back. If I was prepared 
to leave her on a while the drive often kicks into gear.

So I plugged in the PSU and connected it to the Amiga 600 and like
magic she just powered up the A600. Job done. So I now have a
label on the PSU as working and it can be returned to the stock
pile I have. All very scientific.

I did video the computer firing up on the power supply using the
Workbench 2.05 floppy. I also took a video of the A600 struggling
with the faulty hard drive.

I am such a rebel when it comes to my Amigas. None of my Amigas
have been recapped, and I have no plans to do so. Like I have said
many times on this blog, the collection lives and dies with me. I 
acquired all that I have for my own selfish abuse so I rarely 
trouble myself with any concept of keeping the stuff alive for the 
next thirty years. What is amazing is the kit just goes on and on. 
I would never suggest using my particular brand of stupidity as a 
guide to others on how to behave. You really should recap your
kit and you should get new power supplies. Maybe even fit GOTEK
drives and internal flash drives and HDMI converters. Probably not
sensible sticking your head in the sand and hoping for the best as
I do. Everyone to their own.

Amiga 600 booting on 2.05 - Sound of internal faulty hard drive.

Amiga PSU - Testing an old power supply on an A600.

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Last updated 15th October 2024

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