

ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2024

Entry 17th October 2024: Post 1: Amiga Magazines - Helping Hands.

Amiga Magazines - Helping Hands.

A very quick note tonight and one that I have stressed many times
in my years of chatting on forums, groups and here on these blogs.
I come from a world where print was god. I value greatly the actual
printed word as produced by paid journalists. There is a very big
difference between an authoritative statement and casual comments
made in tweets and forum posts. Any publication that sells its
words is duty bound to provide accurate reporting. The works are
generally well researched, thoroughly investigated, vetted by a
checking staff and reviewed before release. Words on a forum are
just comments and that is all.

It follows therefore that if you want valuable and accurate info
on the Amiga it really pays to read from the published documents ,
magazines, books and journals of the time. Getting as close to the
era date of the subject matter is best.

Sadly much of the comment sections, help pages and letters sections
of magazines do not find their way into scanned magazine reviews.
This most valuable of resource is often neglected. It follows that
to benefit from this most valuable of information you are likely
going to have to purchase and acquire original copies of the printed
work. And that is not a bad thing.

Personally I would encourage any serious Amiga enthusiast to buy
as many books and magazines as they can get their hands on. You
can never have too much printed word. They are like gold.

I spent many many hours sifting through magazines reading letters
and help pages. Many has been the night that reading in bed I have
got up and switched on my computer having found a valuable piece
of information.

Time is not a great guardian of truth. It tends to twist and contort
memories. Whilst it is useful to read the views of a blogger there
is no substitute for reading a well presented article in a magazine
of the era.

That was all I wanted to say. In this fast moving, download world
there is still room for the actual printed work on real paper.

Anyhoo you can never have enough helping hands as the disks below
demonstrate. Given away with the publications of Bruce Smith.

Helping hands:

BEGINNER'S LUCK: [ quote from the day ]

Some guys get all the luck, as the Robert Palmer song goes, and
newcomers to the A1200 fall easily into the category. Bruce Smith
Books are about to release the Amiga A1200 Beginners Pack,
everything you could possibly need to get started with your machine.
£39.95 gets you Bruce Smith's bestselling A1200 Insider Guide, a
copy of A1200 Next Steps, an exclusive one-hour tutorial video
and four disks packed with essential PD and Shareware. What more
could you possibly ask for? For more information, please call.....

 Click for Bruce Smith Disk 1

 Click for Bruce Smith Disk 2

 Click for Bruce Smith Disk 3

 Click for Bruce Smith Next Steps

 Click for Workbench Guide

 Click for Cool Star Trek Sounds

 Click for Tobias Richter Animations

I kinda felt a bit rotten the other day half inching the cover
of Amiga Format for the blog from EAB, so I scanned the artwork
and pieced it together for a full on experience. To sweeten the
process I threw in a fistfull of cover disks for the fun of it.

BlitzBASIC 2 Upgrade | SuperJAM | Music-X

OctaMED V5 | Dr T's TigerCub | LZX and MultiDOS

Amiga Magazines - Helping Hands.

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Last updated 17th October 2024

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