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ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2017

Entry 3rd September 2017: Post: 1

A sad case

Putting together the pictures for the recent arrivals I was 
saddened by a plastic case insert to a C64 software pack
that had been destroyed in the post. The guy selling took
no blame and just stated he had tried his best and had never
had the issue before. Thing is unless these cases are 
protected with rigid boxes then I am afraid the fragile 
inner plastic cases just break into pieces. 

Another consideration when collecting such valuable cased
C64 software is to make sure the software is not stored
stacked one on top of another. In truth just one heavy item
on top of one of these plastic cased software packs will 
fracture the plastic. It is better to stand them as books
but making sure they are not leaning against each other.

Here are a couple of bad examples of crushed and damaged 
plastic inner cases and fortunately a variety of C64 gems
that survive without damage. I always endeavour to obtain
undamaged boxes when I can. All three damaged cases here
were replaced with much better quality cases.

So when buying such things just ask the seller to take 
extra care. The point being that once damaged they truly
cannot be repaired.

Game Maker from Activision

Century Communication Best of PCW

Lord of the Rings Game One

Damaged in the post - Bubble Wrap
No point putting carboard on top and
bottom when sending. The case crushes

Crushed in the post - No protection

Flattened in the post - Just paper wrapped

Simply destroyed in the post

Postbags and parcels sitting on top


C64 Assembly Language

C64 Assembly Language

Machine Code Tutor

Programmer's Tool Box

Disk Revealed

Software for the Commodore 64

turbo Disk

Laser Compiler


Game Maker


I have any number of these cases and truly
they can be a pig to store, but they are worth
their weight in gold given the disks, cassettes
cartridges and thick volumes that they hold. When
you own a case you really own a library of magical
information which is a source or endless treasure.

So keep them safe

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Last updated 03/09/2017

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