ProTracker and Imagine
Blitz and Uridium
Fodder and Sensi and SuperJAM
Arcade Pool and Dreamweb
Music-X and OctaMED
Syndicate and Sensible Golf
Dr T and Photogenic
Bars & Pipes and Pegger
Techno and more Silly Golf
Nuxus and Blitz2
Final Writer and Art Department
Settlers and Shoot 'em up
Scala and Softwood
VideoTracker and Valhalla
Ishar and Footy
Stardust and Setter
Amazon Queen and DOpus
Valhalla and MovieSetter
Image FX
Arcade Snooker and Clarissa
E and Imagine 3
Algo and Opus 5
Storm and Direct Works
HiSoft BASIC and AMOS 3D
Quarterback and Vidi Amiga
Design Works and Icon Editor
KindWords and SysInfo
Iconian and DevPac
DMS and TopGear
Mini Office and MUI
PPaint and GFXCon
ARChandler and CygnusEd
PicView and Main Actor
Icon Copy and Image Engineer
Magic Menu DiskSalv and FastView
SWOSed and Image Engineer
Brat and Aladdin
Boom Box and PPaint
Marvin and Final Data
I can give you eighty reasons why the Amiga
was so much fun to play with. I would be
hard pushed to give you eighty more since
the last Amiga magazine fell from glory.
At least the disks live on