ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2017
Entry 5th September 2017: Post: 4
And finally
Why was Final Writer and Sonix so successful. Those that
know my collecting years will appreciate that I not only
collected single items but also whole collections. For
this reason I am able to judge as to what the majority of
Amiga users were doing with their computers. From the
evidence of disks, I would say they enjoyed writing stuff
and also making music. To that end both Final Writer by
Softwood and Sonix by Aegis take the top award for serving
the most.
Only recently in a discussion there were Amiga fans helping
each other out with disks and information on this software.
Here is a guy on YouTube talking about Sonix together with
a couple of examples of music.
The manuals for these pieces of software were huge. The
makers really went out of their way to inform and educate.
In addition the PD houses provided endless disks to aid
and assist. The interest and usage was quite extensive.
As ever in my search for information I am never disappointed
at the wealth of information from Amiga users. Again this
is a credit to a world long since disappeared but not forgotten.
Final Writer
Final Writer Lite
Final Writer
PD support for fonts