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ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2017

Entry 9th September 2017: Post: 5

Be Afraid

Just a gentle reminder to all those that have these A501
cheese expansions fitted to their Amiga 500s. Be aware...
NO !!! BE AFRAID VERY AFRAID that the unit has inside of 
it a barrel battery that truly should be removed. I am
not absolutely sure why Commodore chose to place the
card inside a metal box. But, in doing so they have hidden
a problem that could be eating away your card. So check

The metal box that hides the A501 card

The card with the battery removed

Evidence of the earlier battery damage


A501's I have that are mint in their
original boxes.. And sadly still have the battery


Digging around I found the image of the
card when it had the battery inside. YUK !

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Last updated 09/09/2017

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