ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2017
Entry 11th September 2017: Post: 3
Lemmings - The Shocking Truth
You probably are aware of the games Lemmings 2
And Christmas Lemmings
You may also recall the wonderful artwork on the
manuals and boxes that came with the games
Today I opened another package of games disks and discovered
inside a batch of copied disks. I wanted to check my critical
view of cracked games obtained through dubious sources and
decided to check for myself whether the disks could be copied.
The originals were with the copied disks so maybe the previous
owners had simply copied the disks.
The Truth !!!
I was shocked to discover that there was no copy protection
on the disks and I was able to copy the games with no issue
Further I was able to play the copied games. The horror !!
Here are the disks that I found in the Lemmings package
together with the originals and the artwork and manuals
It gets worse. Inside the package of disks was also all
the save game codes and so I was free to load all the
various levels without successfully achieving them
Spoiler Alert
Shocking and unbelievable I know. Perhaps I should drop
a line to Psygnosis to alert them of the issue. I mean
I doubt in today's gaming society there are any that would
willingly copy or download games without paying for them.
Let's Go !!!!
[ tongue in cheek level ]