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ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2017

Entry 12th September 2017: Post: 5


Time was when you could find interesting and useful applications
without running the risks of downloading junk onto your machine
I have no idea today how anyone with an interest in computing
actually finds programs and tools for general interest that 
does not involve downloading stuff across the web. No doubt
there are still magazines with shareware and freeware programs
but even these probably involve downloading or logging into
the magazine makers website. I just don't trust any form of
interaction that involves a log-in to a strange server/site
or download where I am at risk of giving away my identity or
worse infecting the computer.

Kinda off the beaten track a bit but like I say time was when 
I could acquire interesting and fun applications with very little
risk to destroying the content of my computer hard drive.

One such application is C-Light which though somewhat dated now
was a most enjoyable piece of simple nonsense that amused for
hours and hours. Also tested the old brain cells which I like.

They did make an upgraded version of the software

Seriously, I didn't create this post just to flog that dead horse
just that whenever I fire up this software I think of this.

Groove is in the heart

Cool disks




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Last updated 12/09/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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