A501 with silver shielding
Clips totally welded and concealed
You have to be a touch heavy handed
Battery in perfect physical condition
A501 looks clean
No 'leakage'
I shall leave the battery for now
Much better without the shielding..
or you would think !!
Enter the Pheonix RAM board
Turn down the lights and take a
deep breath [ Enigma ]
Click on the picture to reveal the dust and grime
And this has been behind a trap door cover
Not bad but still has a surface residue
Compare now with the 501 and see how
dust free the board is
The shielding has done its job
Keeping the board in mint condition
Totally dust free
Shame the battery is there to be honest
The A501 is the only board I have with
the outer shielding.
And as for the battery .. well dust to dust
Eventually.. like all of them sadly.