ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2017Entry 17th September 2017: Post: 4What we gonna do now is go back: Part 2
OK I didn't have a rose tinted filter so I fitted the beige filter instead to give the sense of age... Scooby Doo moment
Time was when we actually needed the books There was no other way of feeding the computer
No such thing as downloading.. Everything
And yes there was still that edge to Hundreds of lines of the things
People looked at me gone out when I was
That's why they put girls on the front, to I mean it took all night to load this in
And you really needed the books. No internet Endless codes and scripts and instructions Maths suddenly became very very fashionable
And you really needed to know what
And the books were even ring bound or Very good years
Suddenly words like LET and LOAD and IF
The power came from the code. And that meant
I mean kids in their bedrooms were PEEKING
And then there were the peripherals. I mean
The tools may have been basic but they
The kit was growing and so too was
And so the demand for the written word
Informative and fun and leading toward And the books were endless
So many claiming to educate in the art Word !!
And so the revolution had truly begun
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Last updated 17/09/2017
Chandraise Kingdom
Keep the Faith