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ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2017

Entry 19th September 2017: Post: 2


Following on from yesterdays discovery of my CP/M-86 manual
from 1981 I include today the very wonderful copy command PIP.
I kinda lived by this program back in the eighties as it really
was the only disk tool I had for moving stuff around on 3" disks
with the Amstrad. I also had this little toolbox which was truly
amazing at salvaging files. If I ever made the mistake of deleting
a file I just fired this software up and literally scanned the
HEX dump and changed all the zero numbers to E, or the other
way around. Worked like a charm. Those were the days.

CP/M-86 from 1981 disk contents

P-I-P or Peripheral Interchange Program

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Last updated 19/09/2017

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