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ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2017

Entry 20th September 2017: Post: 3

Networking Amigas

There are a few ways to link the Amiga to either another
Amiga or to another PC. The Amiga is quite capable of running
on a modern network and I recently explained how to do that
with Samba. Here are a few ways to consider that I use.

Ami-PC or PC2Am

Ami-PC or PC2Am

Ami-PC or PC2Am

Aminet no less

Serial network link up

The ever favourable Parnet
Cables are attached to Amigas

Not much in the way of instructions
I have previously written a guide may
add that here later

Ethernet Interface Card

See recent post on Samba for full guide

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Last updated 20/09/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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