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ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2017

Entry 30th September 2017: Post: 1

SuperBase Personal

I'm on that DataBase kick at the moment. Thing about a database
is that you can really structure it any old how to suit your 
needs and the magic comes when you have entered a whole bag
of stuff to test whether it works or not. 

When I was a young lad I created a set of cards with a hole 
punch and then with each card cut out slots in response to
simple questions. I then placed knitting needles through 
all the cards in response to a series of selected questions.
From the cards that stayed on the needles I would have only
the ones that met all the desired requirements. I had created
a simple data base and that is where my interest in computers
first started I guess.

Simple card index data base

So when I came across database software on any of the various
computers I owned I would exploit it to the full. Started with
a simple database I found on the ZX81. On the Amstrad I basically
customised my own from using RPED through BASIC. 

SuperBase was pretty useful but to be honest my first love was
the Softwood File database which I must have used like endlessly
and found so easy and simple to use. It also came free with
CU Amiga No. 76 Softwood File Craft. Superbase Personal was also
given out free with Amiga Computing May 1992 Issue 48.

Superbase Personal

Superbase Personal

Superbase Personal

Superbase Personal

Superbase and Softwood



Softwood File

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Last updated 30/09/2017

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