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ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2018

Entry 6th September 2018: Post 01: Amiga - SWOSTED

Sensible World of Soccer ... simply the greatest game ever made.
AND WHY !!! cus no other game in my opinion provides so much on
just two floppy disks. From the game interface you can play any
team in any league in the world. This includes all the game data
about every player in the world including all the reserves in a
complete Team B for every team in the world. And it gets better.
You can be called upon to coach any of the national squads and
again be able to play any of the world national teams. All data
on players then changes and become a star coding identifying the
best players around the world.

Not only can you play as player v player, but also player v computer
and the third and best option, coach v coach or computer v computer.
The third option is my favourite cus when I launch the game I do
nothing but simply watch and or listen to the games. This is my
ideal game cus it means I can play and do other things. I just
listen out for the cheers when a goal is scored. I can watch all
the goals again as highlights and even save the best bits to disk.

It really is a bottomless pit of football fun and the detail on
players and teams is immense. For years you were able to update
teams and I have a full box of SWOS installers that I bought over
the years. Even with the most complex of console games like FIFA
there is still no comparable game that matches the depth to SWOS.
I have struggled so much with FIFA. Also the Amiga footballing
coach games came in various formats BUT, and again the big BUT
none took an award winning football game like Sensible Soccer and
then bolted on a football management game... and still did this
on two DD Amiga disks. NOT EVEN HD but 2x850K DD floppy disks.

And when you update you actually update the original disks. There
wasn't even a need to create a third disk. For gaming ingenuity
and brilliant programming and research second to none Sensible
World of Soccer is in my opinion the greatest game ever produced.
Nothing comes close... and I have played games on every platform
and still do. This game never ceases to amaze me. As crude as the
graphics are you still get the full flavour of a football match.

And if that wasn't enough you can create your own custom teams
and leagues and design your own kits. Incredible.

I was so pleased when I obtained the hard drive installer. I have
all my favourite teams saved to disk plus all my best goals. The
fun is taking a lowly team in the bottom most league and coaching
them to the premier and winning the European Cup. Magic.

Anyway here is my tribute to Sensible World of Soccer.

Amiga SWOS

My box of soccer tricks.

Was such a relief to get the HD installer.

Cus I had worn my disks out. Please note
that Sensible World of Soccer is not
and I repeat NOT Sensible Soccer.

So many updates to this game.

I think I bought every PD release.

I started playing the original game
Sensible Soccer on the Amiga 500. I
use to go around my sisters house and
her son had all his mates round with
their disk boxes and we played leagues
all day Sunday sometimes. Classic.

I still have all my SWOS save disks
from the various years playing.

I even used football books to track
all the players in each of the teams.

That's Mr Shearer with hair.

And all the names were in the game. There
were literally thousands and thousands.

So we fire up an unexpanded Amiga.. Jermaine.

Plug in the SpeedKing.

And install the software.

DRAT.. Out of memory.

No worries.. I enlist the use of another
computer.. As you do.

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Last updated 6th September 2018

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