Amiga 1200 GVP A1230
First up my original Workbench disk box.
That's what I'm looking for.
Sorry to do this to you Christina.
But I need that card.
Enter the lovely Jermaine.
To get the IDE working in the A1200 I needed
to set the MaxTransfer in HDToolBox to 0x1FE00.
I had earlier removed the 3.1ROMs from the
Amiga Technologies machine and replaced with
original 3.0ROMs to avoid conflicts running
VidiAmiga and various games. Turns out that
3.1 Workbench is not set to PureBit, what ever
that means and they updated the Animation
data file to play straight from disk. Sadly
all that conflicts with the digitiser and
so had to go. Never mind. All working now.
The DS1994 battery that I am struggling finding.
A1230 running at 40MHz.
Installed the AMINet Serial connectors and
cables to Graham and Jermaine and now I can
transfer files between rooms.
All done