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ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2019

Entry 10th September 2019: Post 01: Atari 1040ST RGB SCART.

Atari 1040ST RGB SCART.

OK.. so my Atari RGB SCART cable arrived and it was time to test
the computer running on the Samsung T220HD. These monitors sadly
are now becoming scarce. There doesn't appear to be much reason
these days to provide all the very useful connection for various

And so it was an easy task to connect the Atari to the Samsung and
immediately I switched on I was greeted with a white screen as
the Samsung autodetected the Atari. Eventually after the clunk
clunk of the drive the Atari basic OS appeared on the screen in
the bright green. I tested some disks and these worked just fine.

You may recall that it was the desire to view the games from the
Hollywood compilation set in full colour that caused me to buy
the SCART in the first place. So time to check the disks out.

Happily all the disks worked and I was mucking around with Batman,
Indiana Jones, RoboCop and Ghostbusters. At first I was puzzled
by the request for the second disk for Indiana Jones until I
noted there was no reference to the second disk in the package.
So I just clicked the joystick and it ran the game. The games
definitely had more of a C64 feel than something more usual for
say the Amiga of the day.

The joystick and the mouse on the Atari connect via the base of
the machine which I found most annoying. The particular STE has
the expanded ports to the side also.

And so the SCART worked, which is all I was trying to test and the
image was clear and easy to read. I may not be a big fan of Atari
but one thing I have discovered when using any of the machines
and that is they generally do work. I find the floppy drive less
than comfortable in its clunky nature. The thing is just crying
out for a hard drive. One feature of the ST that I love and that
is the tea-kettle power to the rear and no additional PSU brick.

I think I have most SCART connectors for computers now. For me
it has become a necessity as the very old monitors become ever
more rare. After all if you can't see the display the computer
is pretty useless. It made a big difference seeing the display
in full colour and with the sound also.

Atari 1040ST RGB SCART.

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Last updated 10th September 2019

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