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scuzzBlog: Diaries September 2019

Entry 19th September 2019: Post 01: Amiga keyboards.[ A2000, A3000, A4000, CDTV ]

Amiga keyboards.

I recently did a review of the 'Cherry' keyboard for the Amiga 2000.
So today when I again hulked around half a dozen keyboards to
get at my Amiga 500s I thought it probably time I recorded this
little pile.

Not a fan of Amiga keyboard. That's why I love the A1200 so much.
For me it gave me the perfect combination of computer and keyboard
whilst taking up the minimum amount of room so I could sit the
monitor anywhere. The problem for me with the big box Amigas is
that generally as a desktop you are kinda forced to sit the old
monitor on the top of the box and so lose so much space and then
there is the keyboard. I have never been comfortable anyway with
the subsequent height of the monitor on a 2000 or 4000 say as I
would have the Microvitec generally sat to the right at an angle
on a couple of thick sturdy books.

And so over the years I have acquired any number of keyboards for
the Amiga. In some ways I scratch my head as to how I got so many
given that they easily outnumber my tin box Amigas. The photograph
shown is simply the surplus keyboards I have, given that my boxed
Amigas have keyboards inside the box, and computers that are out
on benches have their own keyboards.

I generally use what I call the A4000 style of keyboard. I have
these keyboards with either the small or large connector. Matters
not as I have adaptors to convert into either.

The 'Cherry' has the Amiga 2000 label and I have another that is
not a 'Cherry' but with the same smaller label. The next in the 
2000 range are the ones with the Amiga 2000 badge and the next 
from that removes the 2000. Some of these identify that they are 
for the 2000 range of machines.

The various keyboards also come with differing lettering. There
are also German variants of the boards and these in turn have
differing lettering.

I have CDTV black keyboards with white keys and also black keys
with white connector cable. The white keyboard has a black cable.

Additionally there is a PC Commodore keyboard for the PC that I
have in the collection. Other keyboards in the collection are
for the C128 and the Amiga 1000.

Like I say these things drive me crazy. Some have very long cable
connections. It's a struggle keeping them stored as I just don't 
have the space to site them horizontal. Care is taken not to have 
the keys depressed and resting against each other. I am not troubled
by the yellow and I really haven't got the time to clean them
properly. The only time I notice them is when I need to move them
or manage to kick my foot on one. They literally are all over
the place. Propped up behind doors, top of the stairs, lying on
tops of boxes. I don't think there is a room without a few lying 

Anyway here are the pics. I include the 'Cherry' at the end, though
I know it 'should be with the Cherry on top'.

Amiga keyboards.

Amiga 2000 Cherry Keyboard.

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Last updated 19th September 2019

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