Entry 22nd September 2019: Post 01: Amiga 2000 - Sticking hard drive.
Amiga 2000 - Sticking hard drive.
I am a collector and not an electrical engineer. And so my methods
of repair are crude and haphazard. During the summer the A2000 that
I have connected to the Checkmate via a Parnet got stuck again.
The internal hard drive is on an Impact GVP Series II.
So what I do is open her up, stand her on her side, let her run for
a while and then gently tap the drive with the rubber end of the
screwdriver. And it works every time. Kinda unorthodox but hey if
it works what does it matter.
And so the A2000 with the very odd mottled fascia lives on for
another day. I know at some point she will fail but for me I am
simply bailing out the water on a slowly sinking ship. But like
the captain I will go down with it all anyway.
So time to clear the decks for the next blog.
A2000 static drive - Banged into submission
Sorry for the blurred first video. You get the idea though.
Amiga 2000 - Sticking hard drive.
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