Graphical User Interface and GEOS.
Previously on scuzzblog
OK Booting first the System disk
That shouldn't happen.. Bugga
Fortunately I have a Back-up
I also have my GEOS from the 1351 box
Don't worry I have loads of GEOS disks
This is where I flip the disk over
But first I tried to copy the GEOS
System disk and gets the normal response
Anyway to job in hand and I formatted
a test disk and then attempted to copy
the flip side Applications software
from my System Backup disk.... I like
the grey and not the blue. Don't ask
This is what you should see on the
GEOS Application disk. When accessing
disks its best to close the current
disk and then open the new one from
the drop down menu. Amazing that there
are spelling mistakes in the GEOS book
and they refer to menu tabs as boxes
Like I said I swapped out the floppy and
mouse in the hope of making the process easier
So with your formatted disk it really
is just a case of copying the Application disk
I called my Working disk EXTRAS
and was successful in creating my
own copy. The idea is that you boot
with your GEOS System disk and then
use your own working disk for the
Applications and your own work
Time to test out my new EXTRAS disk
So far so good