

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2020

Entry 12th September 2020: Post 1: Amiga User International - Userdisk No.07.

Amiga User International - Userdisk No.07.

Not simply a Userdisk but also a Hyperdisk. My goodness me. I
received a request for the disk and so I have decided to upload
to the blog along with some images from the magazine for AUI
December 1991.

I do have two copies of the disk. Strangely not only was the
one disk faded it also didn't contain the AUI content. Instead
it held a bunch of programs which I assume had been de-crunched
from an AUI disk, but not this one. So I transferred the files
and then simply de-crunched the working AUI_07 to the disk and
reinstated its contents. ' As you do !!'

And here it is in ZIP format so you still have to do some work.
Don't worry there is an ADF lurking there inside.


Click above for the disk. Available only for a short time

Amiga User International - Userdisk No.07.

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Last updated 12th September 2020

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2020