ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2020
Entry 19th September 2020: Post 1: Amiga online - YAM, Miami, Genesis, Aweb.
Amiga online - YAM, Miami, Genesis, Aweb.
Time was I spent my evenings hooked up to the Amiga answering
endless mails from the various Amiga groups. Life in the first
decade of this century was pretty hectic. The numbers of groups
were rich and active and Amiga users just loved posting queries
and getting involved in answering questions. There seemed to be
a different Amiga group to suit all aspects of Amiga life.
What happened post 2010 is not difficult to understand. The
community as a whole got older. Social media took hold and the
use of mobile phones as a primary mode of communication kinda
stunted much Amiga activity. Added to this the Amiga wasn't
really going anywhere and the blood rush of Ebay was pretty much
over. It all changed quite dramatically.
I kinda gave up in around 2010 with the Amiga online. It was
just way more convenient using the PC and websites were getting
a little more complex and difficult to traverse on the Amiga.
Today I noticed that its been 13 years since I checked some of
my Amiga mail and it brought a wash of memories to mind. Times
were a load more interesting then, and the names of distant
friends in the community chimed happy nights of quite heated at
times conversations about our passion. Like life itself it
marched on and the loud rantings of old Amigans faded into the
distant past. Quite sad, but at least I still have all my mail.
So just a few images of my Amiga tools used to communicate and
interact with a world that has all but disappeared. In posting
I would like to pay my respects and much love to the various
groups like YAM, SAMBA, AMOS, Amiga Active, CUAmiga, AFB, Just
Amiga, Amiga_SA and Pure Amiga, just to name a few.
And let's not forget my very own Commodore-Amiga-Retro.
Good friends one and all. Nothing today compares.
Amiga online - YAM, Miami, Genesis, Aweb.