

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2020

Entry 25th September 2020: Post 1: AmigaGuide and Heddley.

AmigaGuide and Heddley.
Been searching a good while now for my copy of Format and Heddley
Version 1.20b which came out on the cover disc. I have featured
previously Heddley v1.1 dated 1994 created by Edd Dumbhill. If
like me you like creating AmigaGuide... er 'guides' then this
software is a real must. Amazing how many guides I read give
credit to Heddley for their creation.

So grab Amiga Shopper November 1995 or Amiga Format May 99 and
treat yourself to the best 'guide' creator around.

One benefit of the Shopper cover disk is the inclusion of a
massive icon collection. I have used the icons so many times
for various drawers and tools. I use IconCopy from Aminet to
simply replicate a desired icon. It is just so easy.

The CD was quite fun also along with some great paint software.
Was a fun day when I reviewed these mags and I gotta say I was
hooked into the Amiga for most of the day... That was early Sept.

AmigaGuide and Heddley.

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Last updated 25th September 2020

Chandraise Kingdom

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