

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2021

Entry 10th September 2021: Post 1: Media Vision - Reno CD-ROM Drive.

Media Vision - Reno CD-ROM Drive.

On the face of it this looks just like a run of the mill CD player.
However, when you study the fine print you discover this to be a
CD-ROM with an SCSI interface that lets you communicate with an
Amiga computer. The player has a clever removable battery base with
SCSI and ID selector. It is furnished with SCSI ports which allow
for the unit to sit side by side with your Amiga as a CD-ROM. The
documentation goes on to explain how to use the device with a
Squirrel SCSI interface.

In the period post Commodore's demise there were a lot of companies
trying to fill the gap left by the failed CD drive for the 1200. I
do recall quite a few CD drives appearing in the magazine. This unit
was clever cus it was first a CD-ROM player with portable facility
and then strapped into it an SCSI interface. Clever or what.

Not a bad little bit of kit in truth and certainly easy to store.
Lightweight, practical and quite versatile. You just need the SCSI
on the Amiga and you are ready to rock and roll.

Media Vision - Reno CD-ROM Drive.

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Last updated 10th September 2021

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