

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2021

Entry 14th September 2021: Post 1: Commodore Datassette C2N or 1530 or 1531 or not.

Commodore Datassette C2N or 1530 or 1531 or not.

You would think that simple identification of a datassette would
be easy to establish for the Commodore range. As is with typical
Commodore logic the A version of the C2N is the newer version and
the B version is the older. For reference purposes there are three
C2N units.. the first the original, the second a 'NONE RIBBON'
and a third ' RIBBON'. The term ribbon refers to the image on the
front of the C2N cassette unit which appears as a solid bar with
right side fragmentation like a ribbon.

OK Deep breath. The first unit was the C2N and is a cassette unit.
This was released for the Commodore Pet. This comes in two flavours,
one with a rubber stub and rear screw fixings and the other without.
So if you are collecting C2N units there are two you need to get
that are the original.

We move now to the 'NONE RIBBON' C2N-B which is the one released
for the VIC-20 I assume. It also worked on the CBM machines. This
was given the reference as a 'datassette' Unit and ref C2N-B and so
distinguished it from the original which I assume Commodore viewed
as the first and A version.

This sadly becomes confused cus Commodore decided not only to call
The C64 C2N a 'Cassette' but also introduced the 'Ribbon' motif and
referenced the unit as a C2N-A. And so the later C64 Cassette is an
A ref and the earlier one is a B ref. And sorry Wiki but your entry
is so wrong. Just study the manuals and you can see the none ribbon
version is a C2N-B.

Eventually the unit is simply labelled a Datassette.

There is more. The 1531, you would think would be one unit design.
Not the case. This unit is referred to as a 1531 or a Datassette
and is the C2N-A... cus it's the 'RIBBON' version of the C64 type.
But on the box the power light is on the left, the unit has the
power light on the right, the manual has it on the left and the guide
has it on the right.

And so if you are trying to complete your collection you need seven of
the C2N units.

01: C2N original with rubber bump and screw fixings.
02: C2N original without the above.
03: C2N Datassette unit 'No Ribbon' C2N-B.
04: 1530 C2N Cassette unit ' Ribbon' C2N-A.
05: C2N Datassette with Ribbon no reference.
06: Datassette C2N type 1531 ref C2N-A power light left.
07: Datassette C2N type 1531 ref C2N-A power light right.
I sense there could be two more 1531s with or without bigger rear 
label depending on which side the power light is on.

And I am sure there are more. In truth Commodore never really knew
what to call this unit, whether cassette or datassette, 1530 or C2N or
as is the case all of the above.

PS It gets even more fun with the floppy drive with 'when is a 1 not a
1' ( as in |541 ) when it's an I or |. Better not go there.

Commodore Datassette C2N or 1530 or 1531 or not.

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Last updated 14th September 2021

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