

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2022

Entry 09th September 2022: Post 1: Personal Finance Manager - Michtron.

Personal Finance Manager - Michtron.

This is the third and last of the newly acquired Amiga software
and again it dates from the 88/89 era and focusses on the home
finance software for the Amiga. Today we have the very splendid
Personal Finance Manager which is a GEM of a software title that
literally is just that.. what with its GEM interface. I have to
say this kind of application never interested me given that I
always found it easier to manage my accounts from a simple book
or text document. I mean how hard could it be.

Anyhoo for all those in the day that needed the Amiga to manage
their money, Personal Finance Manager has it all:

Entries limited by size of memory.
Full GEM Interface.
Automatic date ordering.
Selectable date formats.
Automatic standing orders.
Auto balancing against statement.
Graphic analysis, balance plot, budget, spend.
Moveable windows.
Self scaling graphics.
Layered windows.
Account print options.

Why let your finances be a worry?

The software dated from 1988 by Peter Veale though the version
shown released by Microdeal has a date of 1990. So very much an
Amiga 500/2000 product.

The software was given out free with Issue 59 of Amiga Computing
in April of 1993. Incredible just how much they crammed onto that
single DD disk. Outstanding.

That was that for my home finances software review featuring the
three titles I recently acquired. All the boxes are of outstanding
quality which is what drew me to the software. They now sit with
all my other Amiga software adding valuable titles to the
collection. I have also ADF copied the disks and also added those
to the repository.

Happy days ! Its been raining. Always welcome here.

Personal Finance Manager - Michtron.

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Last updated 9th September 2022

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