

ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2022

Entry 23rd September 2022: Post 1: VicSoft - More about the VIC-1010 module.

VicSoft - More about the VIC-1010 module.

Following on from my blog yesterday I decided to go on a rummage
through my books and I found more information about the VIC-1010.
Evidently it was called the Commodore 6-Slot "Motherboard"
Expansion Module (VS 1010). That's a mouthful.

'This is a convenient way to make your VIC a "Bigger Computer".
You can use it to take more than one "Rampack" expansion module,
building up to a maximum of 32K ram.'

It goes on to say that it can accept the "Machine Code Monitor
Cartridge" for working on advanced programs, or the " Super
Expander Cartridge" or "Program Aid Cartridge".

Strikes me they realised that by sticking in what is in essence
an expansion to the motherboard you can expand the board even
further by use of six cartridges. Remember that a cartridge is
a PCB so it really is making the computer much bigger. I find
the whole thing fascinating and am even more upset I didn't get
one. Never mind.

A company called Stack produced a four cartridge slot expander
for both the VIC-20 and C64, plus a memory expansion system. It
really is quite magical what these guys were doing at a time
that we really were at the birth of the home computer era.

Anyhoo I throw in a couple of pages of cartridges from the time
to show the kind of thing that was available for use. I have a
few VicSoft rags and like most of what Commodore did during their
time the pages are colourful, enticing and filled with goodies.
I never get bored reading these brochures. Commodore always hit
the nail right on the head when it came to promoting their stuff.

Have fun.

VicSoft - More about the VIC-1010 module.

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Last updated 23rd September 2022

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