Commodore Amiga Retro

There are no disks on this site for download
I am unable to verify copyright of material and therefore
am not making any disks available. All disk links are for
my own private use. I do apologise for this but thats the law


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For previous diaries click the above link

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Got a date with a ghost!!

F E B R U A R Y - 2 0 1 8

February 2018 represents the last month in my glorious year of 2017-18
when I finally unboxed all the collection and tested as far as possible.
During that wonderful year I recorded most of what I did and feature in
a year long diary spanning 2017 up to February 2018. So click the tabs
and hopefully enjoy what will be forever for me ' MY GLORIOUS YEAR '

Entry February 27: Diary: Amiga Games Manuals - Some of them

Entry February 26: Diary: Amiga Action - Advanced Booklet Creation

Entry February 26: Diary: Fred Fish

Entry February 25: Diary: Sinclair Spectrum 16K - Seeing the difference

Entry February 25: Diary: The way we were ... No pressure

Entry February 25: Diary: HiSoft

Entry February 24: Diary: DC TV for the Amiga

Entry February 24: Diary: I FOUND IT !!

Entry February 22: Diary: Amiga A1200 HD/40

Entry February 22: Diary: Strange Amstrad mouse

Entry February 22: Diary: Not a sound from Megalo

Entry February 22: Diary: The record sleeve software package

Entry February 22: Diary: Amiga videos

Entry February 22: Diary: Knowing your Commodore cartridges

Entry February 22: Diary: Electronics - Ignorance is bliss

Entry February 22: Diary: Sinclair Spectrum - Rotronics WafaDrive

Entry February 21: Diary: Silica - Support for the Amiga in 1993

Entry February 20: Diary: A500Plus - Last of the last

Entry February 20: Diary: Tales from the Spectrum graveyard

Entry February 19: Diary: Back the **** up !! - Colorado Hell

Entry February 18: Diary: Gortek and the MicroChips

Entry February 17: Diary: What to do ?

January End

Entry January 31: Diary: iMac - Good for you
Entry January 30: Diary: The Gravis Gamepad
Entry January 30: Diary: Home Computing Course - The 2nd Best retro resource volume ever
Entry January 30: Diary: Input - Best retro resource volumes ever
Entry January 30: Diary: Do you want me to seduce you ?
Entry January 30: Diary: B O O K S - Manuals - More Books [ Preliminary version v5.0 ]

Last month on scuzzblog

Previously on scuzzblog

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The previous month on scuzzblog

Previously on scuzzblog

And previous to that on scuzzblog

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then click the image above for the full site

Last updated 28/02/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith

scuzzscink 2018