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scuzzblog diaries for October 2017

... Hope you enjoyed that. If you wish to read more then why not drop me a line

Got a date with a ghost!!

Entry October 31: Diary: I ain't 'fraid of no ghosts !
Entry October 31: Diary: That was October
Entry October 30: Diary: What the !!!!
Entry October 30: Diary: KCS - Power Cartridge
Entry October 30: Diary: The Expert - Trilogic Version II
Entry October 30: Diary: The Expert - Trilogic Version I
Entry October 30: Diary: C64 Cartridges - anatomy of
Entry October 30: Diary: C64 Cartridges - Out of the freezer
Entry October 30: Diary: No !! We do not have a video
Entry October 30: Diary: B O O K S and Manuals - More Books v2.0
Entry October 28: Diary: KCS PowerPC Board - Install
Entry October 27: Diary: B O O K S and Manuals
Entry October 26: Diary: Microsoft Multiplan for the Commodore 64
Entry October 26: Diary: KCS - PowerPC .. All that I have - Part II
Entry October 26: Diary: KCS - PowerPC .. All that I have - Part I
Entry October 25: Diary: Amstrad Action ... seems only fair
Entry October 25: Diary: The Z88 EPROM
Entry October 25: Diary: PC Disk Catalogue - Last Update [ thank goodness ]
Entry October 24: Diary: What the doctor ordered.. or not Dr DOS
Entry October 24: Diary: Not so easy tape ..
Entry October 24: Diary: PC Disk Catalogue - Update
Entry October 23: Diary: Anatomy of an Amiga 500 Plus
Entry October 23: Diary: On the tiles !!
Entry October 23: Diary: Hard times with the A1200
Entry October 22: Diary: PC Disk Catalogue
Entry October 22: Diary: In-Flight Gaming
Entry October 22: Diary: The laws of lore
Entry October 21: Diary: Yes PC Software - Don't panic !!
Entry October 21: Diary: Ami-Kit Disks
Entry October 21: Diary: What's in that big box ?
Entry October 20: Diary: It's a 2.5 inch struggle
Entry October 20: Diary: Even more Amstrad Action
Entry October 20: Diary: Loadsa-Books
Entry October 20: Diary: Ocean 1988 .. plus Imagine
Entry October 20: Diary: More power to the Z88
Entry October 19: Diary: Klondike PD and more Kylie
Entry October 19: Diary: Lord of the Rings
Entry October 19: Diary: Commodore 64 - Double Cassette Games
Entry October 18: Diary: Amstrad - RSX-LIB
Entry October 17: Diary: Amiga Index is now live . TAB added
Entry October 13: Diary: P R E S S - P A U S E
Entry October 13: Diary: Amiga A4000d - Jumper Settings
Entry October 13: Diary: Ateo Concepts - Part 3 Final Lap [ Elephant Graveyard ]
Entry October 11: Diary: Ateo Concepts - Part 2 [ Elephant Graveyard ]
Entry October 10: Diary: Atom that didn't bomb
Entry October 10: Diary: Mini Marvels - Amiga Games
Entry October 10: Diary: Aunty Beeb
Entry October 10: Diary: That was handy
Entry October 10: Diary: P-E-P
Entry October 09: Diary: A1200 - The early years Part 2
Entry October 09: Diary: A1200 - The early years Part 1
Entry October 09: Diary: Amiga - Desktop Dynamite
Entry October 09: Diary: Amiga - Crib Cards
Entry October 09: Diary: Amiga - Fitting Stuff
Entry October 09: Diary: L.E.D.Storm
Entry October 09: Diary: I'm Batman
Entry October 07: Diary: Commodore Format
Entry October 07: Diary: Amstrad Action
Entry October 06: Diary: Elephants graveyard
Entry October 06: Diary: Who is at the Helm
Entry October 06: Diary: Capture'vating
Entry October 06: Diary: Not just RAM .. but !!
Entry October 04: Diary: The original apprentice
Entry October 04: Diary: A load of nonsense
Entry October 02: Diary: Power Packed
Entry October 01: Diary: If all else fails - Hit the thang !!
Entry October 01: Diary: Not an A500 then !!

September End

Entry September 30: Diary: Once more into the cupboard
Entry September 30: Diary: C64 Games Cassettes
Entry September 30: Diary: 3D Lightwave Objects
Entry September 30: Diary: SuperBase Personal

This month on scuzzblog

Last Month on scuzzblog

Textcraft - Samba - A690 - Dust to Dust - Kylie - Going Back - UNIX - Spectrum

Previously on scuzzblog

Rubber Bands - Star Trek - Falcon - DOpus - Cool World - Origin Uknown - S E X - DARKSEED

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Last updated 31/10/2017

Keep the Faith

In search of the Island of Pjeschioscho
I have been fishing in a pond that has no fish
scuzzscink 2017