Commodore Amiga Retro

There are no disks on this site for download
I am unable to verify copyright of material and therefore
am not making any disks available. All disk links are for
my own private use. I do apologise for this but thats the law



Email scuzz

For previous diaries click the above link

If you need help then why not drop me a line

Got a date with a ghost!!

J U N E - 2 0 2 4

~ June 26th 2024 ~

June 26th 2601: scuzzblog: Amiga Workbench - ARestaure - Undelete disk files.

~ June 25th 2024 ~

June 25th 2501: scuzzblog: Amiga Workbench - Customise the RAM icon.

~ June 24th 2024 ~

June 24th 2401: scuzzblog: Amiga Workbench - 3.0/3.1 Search

~ June 23rd 2024 ~

June 23rd 2301: scuzzblog: Amiga Workbench - Env-Archive or just Env or ENVARC.

~ June 22nd 2024 ~

June 22nd 2201: scuzzblog: Amiga icons - The power of IconX.

~ June 20th 2024 ~

June 20th 2001: scuzzblog: Amiga Technologies A1200 - Origins of Frankenstein.

~ June 19th 2024 ~

June 19th 1901: scuzzblog: Amiga Technologies A1200 - surprised and shocked.

~ June 18th 2024 ~

June 18th 1801: scuzzblog: Escom era - Tomorrow is a hope, never a promise.

~ June 17th 2024 ~

June 17th 1701: scuzzblog: A4000T - 3.1 and workbench.library.

~ June 16th 2024 ~

June 16th 1601: scuzzblog: Freezer Trick - Finally failed.

~ June 15th 2024 ~

June 15th 1501: scuzzblog: Degrading 2.04 - On the Plus side.

~ June 14th 2024 ~

June 14th 1401: scuzzblog: EZ-Tower Backup - An Amiga Tsunami.

~ June 5th 2024 ~

June 5th 0501: scuzzblog: KCS PowerPC and Checkmate - Backup on the emulator.

~ June 3rd 2024 ~

June 3rd 0301: scuzzblog: Amiga 1200 SCSI KIT - Do I feel guilty?

~ June 2nd 2024 ~

June 2nd 0201: scuzzblog: Amiga 060 gaming - I'm not buying it..

~ June 1st 2024 ~

June 1st 0101: scuzzblog: Win10 and Silmarils - I'm missing something.

~ May 31st 2024 ~

May 31st 3101: scuzzblog: I've become a bit of a cyberpunk - Evidently.

~ May 30th 2024 ~

May 30th 3001: scuzzblog: A1200 HD failure - Rebuilding on the emulator.

~ May 29th 2024 ~

May 29th 2901: scuzzblog: A1200 HD failure - Backing Up.

~ May 28th 2024 ~

May 28th 2801: scuzzblog: A1200 HD failure - Back to the freezer.

~ May 25th 2024 ~

May 25th 2501: scuzzblog: Tensor Art - Final Thoughts Day 4.

~ May 24th 2024 ~

May 24th 2401: scuzzblog: AI for arts sake - Tensor Art Day 3.

~ May 23rd 2024 ~

May 23rd 2301: scuzzblog: AI for arts sake - Tensor Art Day 2.

~ May 22nd 2024 ~

May 22nd 2201: scuzzblog: AI for arts sake - Tensor Art Day 1.

~ May 21st 2024 ~

May 21st 2101: scuzzblog: Came for the chicks - Stayed for the gameplay.

~ May 20th 2024 ~

May 20th 2001: scuzzblog: If you don't 'under'stand your PlayStation.

~ May 19th 2024 ~

May 19th 1901: scuzzblog: Amiga Control Pad - TecnoPlusSWIFT TP200.

~ March 18th 2024 ~

March 18th 1801: scuzzblog: Commodore 64GS - All ahead backwards.

~ March 17th 2024 ~

I have decided to put away my Yamaha CX5M.
Whilst I did eventually find the Voicing Program
the other Yamaha CX-5MII/128 has never turned up.
Deep in store somewhere.

The Yamaha CX5M was sold as a Music Computer.

Previously on scuzzblog: Yamaha CX5M - Music Computer MSX

An MSX machine with a MIDI interface. Amazing really.

Previously scuzzblog: Yamaha MSX - CX5M Music Computer.

~ March 16th 2024 ~

March 16th 1601: scuzzblog: BASIC PROGRAMS books - Farewell to the Atari 400 and 800.

March 16th 1602: scuzzblog: Axel F - Amiga ProTracker conversion by DJ METUNE.

~ March 15th 2024 ~

March 15th 1501: scuzzblog: ASM-One_v1.4 - Plus NewInstaller issues.

~ March 14th 2024 ~

March 14th 1401: scuzzblog: Atari 600XL and 800XL - Happy to be left out.

~ March 13th 2024 ~

March 13th 1301: scuzzblog: Stardust - Asteroids on Acid!

~ March 12th 2024 ~

March 12th 1201: scuzzblog: Survey check - A1500 Expansion System.

~ March 11th 2024 ~

March 11th 1101: scuzzblog: CAD check - A1500 Expansion System.

~ March 10th 2024 ~

March 10th 1001: scuzzblog: Copper Switch-off - End of the switched line. WhatSAPS?.

~ March 9th 2024 ~

March 9th 0901: scuzzblog: Colossus PC - Partners in time.

~ March 8th 2024 ~

March 8th 0801: scuzzblog: Mouse antics - MousePen and ergo-mouse.

~ March 7th 2024 ~

March 7th 0701: scuzzblog: Loss of an XP - Sure it makes me sad.

~ March 5th 2024 ~

March 5th 0501: scuzzblog: Calvin Harris - Brings his A1200 to the BRITs.

~ February 24th 2024 ~

February 24th 2401: scuzzblog: MS killed my XP machine - False hope.

~ February 23rd 2024 ~

February 23rd 2301: scuzzblog: Amstrad 6128 12V drive power - scuzzblog bloopers.

... or RNMD - RETRO-NEUROTIC Mental Disorder.

~ February 22nd 2024 ~

February 22nd 2201: scuzzblog: Amstrad CPC6128 - My 2024 benchtest.

~ February 21st 2024 ~

Previously on scuzzblog: The way we were ... No pressure

Hope that helps.

For the full February list click below


I will continue to update the CVINK library at some time

The CVINK Image Gallery Libraries Updated

~ For the February 2024 scuzzblog ~

Click the above image for the February 2024 scuzzblog.

Don't forget to click the archive link above for previous scuzzblogs

scuzz site

If you can only see this CONTENT window
then click the image above for the full site

Last updated 30th June 2024

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith

scuzzscink 2024

scuzzscink 2024